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Monday 25 April 2011

Microsoft Office Professional 2010 + Activator

Siapa yang tidak kenal aplikasi yang satu ini??  kayanya ga mungkin deh kalo ga kenal,apalagi pengguna windows. karena sepertinya office ini sudah menjadi sesuatu yang wajib ada pada sistem operasi windows, dimana memenuhi kebutuhan apa yang orang awam bilang yaitu  "ah komputer ma yang penting buat ngetik enak,banyak fitur". Nah, Microsoft Office ini solusinya.

Kali ini, Microsoft telah merilis versi office terbarunya yaitu Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010. Pastinya banyak fitur dan fasilitas lain yang dipersembahkan.Bagi kamu - kamu yang ingin mencobanya, silahkan download dari iki77 karena dikasih gratis lho,,kalo beli sekitar 4-5jt an,

Kalo soal tampilan dan navigasinya hampir tidak jauh berbeda dengan versi 2007, malah cenderung lebih menarik tampilan office 2007,,tapi soal kecepatannya,office 2010 pemenangnya,sudah terasa pada saat start program,waktu tunggunya lebih cepat.cobain aj..

O iaa, ini bukan Tecnical Preview lagi, tapi udah resmi,

Gimana? tertarik, segera download, install, dan jalankan activatornya,,

installer package imaged

Installing Microsoft SQL 2008 Express Edition

This tutorial will walk you through installing Microsoft’s SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. This will allow us to create a database and start writing more advanced applications in Visual Basic that require a database. Microsoft has the express edition available free for download at http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2008/en/us/express.aspx . This version will allow you to do anything you will need for most personal and small business databases. The database size is limited to 4 gigs but most small business and stuff won’t even get close to that. If that is too small for you, you should really consider buying the software. Let’s get started.
***NOTE*** The first several steps are only required if you don’t have .NET 3.5 installed on your machine already. There is also extra windows (not all of which are pictured in this tutorial) for PowerShell and Windows Installer 4.5. It won’t require you to download them and install it if you already have them.

Once you are at the pager, click on the Free Download button and it will take you to a login page. You need to register or already have a live account. It is free to register so go ahead. Once you get past that and log in, it will ask you to verify some information Once you verify the information and click on continue you will go to the download page.

Near the top of the download page, you should see the download now image. Click on this to begin the download. This will download a 605 kilobyte file that will download and install the software for you. Once this file downloads, launch it and you can start the installation process.

You will be given a window that has the EULA for .NET Framework 3.5. Review this document and agree to continue.

Next, this window will appear and start downloading the .Net Framework.

Once you are done downloading, it will automatically begin installing it for you.

This window will come up during the process….this part may take some time, so please be patient and let it complete.

You will get the above window alerting you that your machine must be rebooted before continuing. Save and close out of anything you are doing (and bookmark this page to come back an finish) and the give it the ok to reboot. Once windows reboots it may or may not restart the installation. If it doesn’t, just click on the setup icon and it will resume.

It should begin to download another file like shown above. Just download the file and then run it to resume the rest of the installation.

This window lets you pick which version you want to install. The options for additional services and with tools both will also install Windows PowerShell which is a scripting utility. I am going to go with the tools as well. This will give us the manager which will allow us to create databases, columns, and information. Click on install to begin installing the needed software.

This window will then come up and show you the progress of your install. You will then be prompted to restart your computer. Tell it to restart again. Once you reboot it will come back to the installation screen and continue installing again.

This screen will appear and test your machine to make sure it can run SQL 2008. If anything in here fails, it will need to be resolved before installation can continue.

This screen is were you select what type of install you want to use but seeing as we downloaded the express edition that is already marked for us and it is all grayed out. Just go ahead and click next.

This screen gives us the Terms of Service for SQL 2008. Read and understand these terms and check to box saying that you agree with them. Once you have done that, click on next to continue.

This window shows you what needs to be installed for everything to work. Click on install to begin the process.

This screen lets you pick extra features that you can install if you would like. For this tutorial I am selecting all of them. Click the select all button and then click next to continue.

This screen lets you pick the name of the instance and where to put it. An instance name will allow you to install several different instances of SQL and call them independently. You can name it anything you would like. Click next to continue.

This screen checks to ensure you have enough hard drive space for the installation to continue. Click next to continue.

This window let’s you pick what account on your computer should run the service for the SQL server. Select the system account for the top service and make sure that both of them are set to automatic.

This window lets you pick whether you want to authenticate users using windows authentication or using database credentials separately. Check the box that uses both and add you current user for the windows part and then type in the password twice that you want to be associated to the built-in database administrators account.

This windows lets you select whether or not you would like to send error messages to Microsoft for reporting. You can also opt to send operating information to Microsoft to help them make better products. Click next and it will go through another system check to ensure more things are ready for the install. Click next on that screen as well.

This window reviews all of the configuration options that we selected. Make sure everything looks the same as it should and then click next to finish the installation process.

This screen shows the installation process and will continue once the installation is completed. Click next to go to the final screen. The final screen gives you some information that may be helpful to you so read through it. Click on close once you are finished. I hope this tutorial was easy to follow and you learned from it. Next tutorial will walk you through configuring your database for access and creating the tables for it as well.


Untuk pengguna layanan Internet seperti Telkom Speedy dan beberapa layanan lainnya ketika ingin membuka sebuah situs namun tidak bisa atau diblokir oleh penyedia layanan internet bisa menggunakan Aplikasi DNS Jumper. Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa dengan mudah dan cepat untuk mengganti DNS pada komputer anda sehingga bisa membuka kembali situs-situs yang di blokir oleh DNS Nawala

Namun sangat disarankan jika komputer yang anda gunakan bukan komputer pribadi jangan mengganti DNS bawaan, apalagi jika komputer/notebook yang anda gunakan juga digunakan oleh kerabat anda yang masih muda seperti anak-anak dibawah umur

DNS Jumper adalah sebuah aplikasi ringan untuk mengubah DNS pada komputer dengan mudah dan sangat cepat. DNS Jumper juga menyediakan banyak daftar Server DNS seperti Google DNS, Open DNS, Ultra DNS, Exatel, Century, Cisco, Open Nic dan masih banyak lainnya. Dan Aplikasi ini bisa digunakan secara Portable tanpa harus diinstal pada komputer anda

DNS Jumper juga memberikan fitur untuk melakukan pengecekan Respon Time pada tiap-tiap daftar server DNS yang tersedia pada aplikasi tersebut, sehingga nantinya anda bisa memilih Server DNS apa yang anda paling anggap cepat. Dan jika anda memiliki daftar DNS sendiri yang tidak ada didalam aplikasi ini, anda juga bisa memasukkannya secara manual

Untuk mengganti kembali settingan awal DNS pada konesi internet bisa ikuti panduan lengkapnya disini : https://store.opendns.com/setup/computer/

Tulisan ini dibuat bukan untuk memberikan tips agar menembus situs porno dan situs dewasa yang di block oleh penyedia layanan internet. Namun mungkin ada beberapa situs yang di block yang ternyata bukan situs dewasa namun isi dan contentnya berguna untuk kita. [sumber : d60pc.info]

Sunday 24 April 2011


Mungkin anda pernah mengalami kejadian semacam ini. Dimana flash disk bisa dideteksi Windows namun file tidak bisa dihapus dan flash disk tidak bisa diformat. Orang pintar biang mungkin saja bad sector flash disk tersebut rusak. Kalo saya sih kurang paham.

Yang jelas ketika saya menemukan masalah seperti ini, saya menggunakan sofware bernama Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool. Software ringan ini sangat ampuh untuk memformat flash disk "bandel" yang tidak bisa diformat.

Gambar 1
Gambar 2
Caranya :
  1. Download Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool terbaru DI SINI
  2. Jalankan HDD Low Level Format tools
  3. Pilih Hardisk yang akan di format. Tentu yang tidak berisi sistem operasi windows. Selanjutnya klik Continue (lihat gambar 1)
  4. Pilih tab “LOW-LEVEL-FORMAT”, dan silahkan dibaca peringatan yang tampil (lihat gambar 2)
  5. Jika sudah yakin, maka klik “FORMAT THIS DEVICE”, dan tunggu sampai proses selesai.

Penting : 
Jangan sampai salah format, salah - salah anda malah memformat Drive C, bisa rusak semuanya....ha..ha.... Kenali hard drive yang akan diformat, biasanya akan ada nama atau merk flash disk yang akan anda format.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Software Protector Folder

Bagaimana Mempassword Folder kita agar orang lain tak bisa membuka file pribadi kita.
Software tersebut bernama Lockdir.exe,
Cara kerjanya sangatlah mudah tinggal copy Lockdir.exe kedalam direktory atau kefolder yang ingin kita encrypt setelah itu double klick untuk menjalankannya dan masukan Passwordnya.
Direktory / Folder tidak bisa digunakan selama passwordnya belum dibuka,semua file dan subforder dan yang ada didalam folder tersebut seolah-olah hilang yang tinggal hanya 1 file lockdir saja.
Untuk membukanya juga gampang anda tinggal double klick Lockdir.exe tersebut dan masukan passwordnya.
Tertarik silahkan Download DISINI atau DISINI